Sunday, June 28, 2015

Inside Out

While at Disney World we viewed a 10 minute part of the new Disney Pixar movie, "Inside Out" and new animated movie in the same idea as "Up".  Then this week we actual;;y saw the complete version.  When we saw the preview, I figured I had the whole movie figured out but the fun is in the watching it unfold.

This is another situation where being animated one thinks it is aimed at kids, but the story is clearly for adults. Kids will like the action and some of the gags but ---   The idea is that there are elements of our brain that handle joy, fear, anger, sadness, and disgust.  These characters are Amy Poehler- Joy, Bill Hader- Fear, Lewis Black- anger, Mindy Kaling- Disgust and Phyllis Smith- Sadness.  This is one of the most creative and imaginative movies in a while. It takes us through one year of the thoughts of an eleven year old girl's life, and that of her parents. Everyday situations are shown in a brilliant way.

This is a fun movie for all ages!

2015 Movie 31.  I give it ***1/2 stars

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