Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stuff and Things

I got an email  to today from a fellow Christian wanting me to read something he found on line titled: "Man Stuff: When Men Lead Properly in Church".  When I opened it up, there were actually several articles to choose from including:   "Obama Visits Israel (or When Satan Came to Town)", "Why Did America Become a Wussy Nation?" and "Man Stuff (Raising Boys Feminists Will Hate).

I was too disturbed to go farther, but later returned to the article that was recommended. The article centered on returning the church to a "Manly Church" as was intended.  The author stated that most male church leaders probably uset he Women's Restroom at church and he asks these questions:

1. What are your messages like? Are they geared to men. 
2. Is your church decorated in fruity colors and assortments of puffy, lacy, and flowery decorations?
3. Does your men's bathroom have a masculine feel to it?
4. In worship do you have prom songs to Jesus?

He goes on to say that since Jesus started with men first and made the first leaders men, then we should too.

He suggests (this is a quote):  "Hold UFC parties, football parties, work days where men connect in a manly way, and give them objectives and goals to accomplish!"

So ladies its back to barefoot and pregnant!

LORD help us from people who continually "Make GOD in our own image."

As for the other articles, don't make me go there!

"Let the little children come to me. and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of haven belongs to such as these." Jesus                   More children and less Manly men.

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