Monday, June 6, 2016

The Trouble with Church Family

Most churches that I have attended in my life believed that they were welcoming and friendly. They like to say, "WE are all Family here."   AND, "WE are here to honor Jesus".  HIS will be done.

Yet: People leave because they are uncomfortable with our women leading prayer. On the way out they say,  "I hate to leave this Church. My kids love it here and we have friends here, but I can't stand for a woman saying a prayer."  So they go to another Church that also has things they don't like. No Church group is as perfect as we are!

Family is not about me getting my way. Family is the give and take of life. There have been many things that have happened and are happening  in our Church Family that I disagree with. Some are even "unscriptural" I nature. In my Christian Family there are some that make me cringe the moment they step to a microphone.  Like wise I am certain that there are many that cringe when I do something before the group.  It is they way we are wired.  Paul wrote to the Corinthians about the strange things they did. He asked them to shape up but he never told them to leave!

Someday we may realize that the worship was not planned around US.

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