Monday, April 11, 2016

Hello My Name is Doris

We took in a movie this weekend and tried for a very different movie and we found it.
"Hello, My Name is Doris" is a fascinating story of a "Boomer" spinster trying to regain her life. Sally Fields plays a woman who chose to take care of her Mother through the years and do what was asked. The movie starts with her mother dying and she is suddenly alone in a house where they had been hoarding junk for years. She is a data entry clerk in a clothing company and has worked there for years. Though it is now totally run by twenty-somethings she has kept her job for diversity reasons.

This story is how she tries to fit in with the younger crowd and is infatuated with the new young art director. She has such wild clothes, head bands and all that when she ventures to a concert of a techno band. She becomes a band favorite.  This is not just a comedy and not just a duck-out-of-water tale, it is a neat slice of life that that is touching and real.

I give it ***1/2 stars. 2016 Movie #11

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