Tuesday, July 9, 2013

World War Z or what would happen if Romney won?

I am at a conference alone so I looked at the remaining movies available and went to see "World War Z".  I wondered what would happen if the future had come out differently.  The only thing we as a society has not done yet is the wholesale bitting and chewing by each other to each other.  Just kidding!

I heard people say that this was a fast moving and tense movie, but I was totally unprepared.  I only like comedy Zombie movies like "Warm Bodies" etc.   But wow! I kept asking myself:  "You are watching this for fun.  This  movie is rated PG13 for language.  Come to find out, Zombies don't use profanity.  The regular humans don't use profanity. BUT the audience sure does!

Holy Crap!

Brad Pitt was great and the story was intriguing and  unlike, "White House Down" the president gets killed in this one. They just walk in the room and say, "the President is dead and the vice-president is missing." 

I'm telling you that this is a cautionary tale.

I give it ** 3/4 stars out of five.  2013 movie 28

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