Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lone Ranger rides again

If you read the reviews, you won't see the "Lone Ranger" (or as I used to say as a kid: The Long Ranger).

I grew up with the TV version of this western character. LR and Tonto were favorites.  I hated it when Tonto would have to sneak into town  to check things out and not be hanged for being an "indian".

This movie decided to change things with Tonto being the lead or almost.  You will read that it is a long movie (2-1/2 hours) and silly (It is in the fashion of Pirates of the C.).  If you are a 60-something kid, it is a fun western about our first hero.  AND the first one that refused to kill people just like the original TV Superman.   We were nicer back then.

It is full of CGI and other effects. It even has a horse (Silver) who can get on the roof of two story buildings and the top of moving trains.  IT is explained that the horse is a SPIRIT horse.  We all know that Spirit Horses can do magic. So what's the problem?  THIS IS A MOVIE!

I REALLY HAD FUN.  I give the movie ***stars out of 5.

2013 movie 27

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