Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rise of Planet of the Apes, the movie not the politics

Note: In my last blog, I mentioned that "Planet of the Apes" sounded like Congress. I stand corrected. The Apes are much smarter!

Yes, we went to see "Rise of Planet of the Apes" today. It is the prequel before Charlton Heston arrives back on Earth from his space voyage. As a matter of fact you movie buffs need to play attention to the TV's in the background and the Newspaper headlines at come into view. Heston has already blasted off to Mars as the story begins. It is also fun that at one point one of the actors is watching Heston in a TV movie.

But I digress. The movie is fun and has the right amount of bad people around to agitate the monkeys so that revenge is set up. Especially the guy that played Malfoy in Harry Potter. He continues to be a jerk. James Franco and company do a good job. San Francisco also is good as the token city to be ravaged.

I liked well enough. By the by stay for the credits because it sets up the rest of the movie.
For you readers out there, "The Rise" takes a little from Stephen King's "The Stand" and mixes it with Michael Crichton's "Congo" about a scientist in San Francisco with an intelligent ape.

I give it **1/2 stars

2011 Movie # 39

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