Saturday, August 13, 2011

Crazy Stupid Love

I have delayed seeing the movie, "Crazy, Stupid Love". I don't know why. I guess I thought it was just another romantic comedy. We went to see it today. It IS a romantic comedy but it was not what I expected. It is well written, well acted, well casted, and well done. It is a "slice of life" story with many twists and turns. Every actor was superb. The scene with Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling was classic. It if think you might like this, you will. It is PG13 because they "thoughtfully" (sarcasm ) injected the F-bomb once in the middle.

It is also a deeper story than one may expect in that it deals with the loneliness and mask-wearing so prevalent in life today.

I give it *** stars. 2011 Movie #41.

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