Monday, July 9, 2018

traveling roads not envisioned!

Here I find myself in 2018. In my youth the United States was seen as the good guys with the white hats.  We protected the world. We nurtured our friends. We were the place where people could come to find freedom and the opportunity for new lives.  Our enemies are Communist countries like Russia, China and North Korea.  Our Fiends were Great Britain, Canada , Mexico and France.  Germany and Japan was an enemy but have been friends for the last 30+ years.

And then we found a liking for black hats:  I never thought I would see the time when the USA could not be trusted. Our friends are now bewildered and our enemies have smiles.  We are no longer the world's good guys.  We are the stuck up kids who think we are better than everyone not named Putin.

I am very disappointed.

But there is always Hope 

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