Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Collateral Beauty

Here is a story for you:  A Man's six year old Daughter dies and he has trouble focusing on life or work . His mental state worries his partners at work because the business is suffering without his input.  

But enough about my life, "Collateral Beauty" had the same story line so it had my full attention. The this movie season there has been "Manchester by the Sea" where a father lives without purpose after his children die in a house fire for which he was responsible. Collateral follows a similar line but in this case his daughter dies of a rare disease.  In both of  these movies divorce followed. As Collateral points out, 80% of marriages fail when a child dies.  But where Manchester was just a slice of life at a given time and without closure or change, Collateral studies the father coming to grips with it all.  This is a very creative spin on life. AND I might add very real. There are stories within the story with a great cast (possibly the best assembled this year.)  

It questions things like: 

Something bad has happened but do you stop you life?

Why do we shut people out who do not understand?  Why do your friends shut YOU out at the same time?

Do we actually see the collateral beauty that is all around us during times like this?  Watch the movie and consider the collateral beauty.

Our collateral beauty was finding Lindsey and making her part of us.

2017 Movie #2  It is *****stars out of five.

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