Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What am I?

I am being told to hate Muslims.
I am being told to buy guns and train to use them like a militia.
I am being told to build walls to keep those not like me out.
I am being taught that we only are God's chosen.

I must be an Israeli.  
They do all this!

BUT I follow Jesus

I am to love all.
I am to be a peacemaker.
I am to seek those I can help including strangers.
I am the luckiest person alive because God loves me anyway!

I'm just saying that I am disappointed in the false message that I see my Brothers buying into that and showing Christianity with  a dim, dim candle.  

The only current politician that talks more like Jesus and professes Jesus is believed by many I know to be a Muslim who of course MUST be hated.  He is leading America to doom and he wants to get rid of guns and he is meek and he only has about a year left.  After he leaves we will see him in a different light. Currently it is a dim, dim candle that we use to view reality.


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