Monday, December 9, 2013

Coming Full Circle

Several years ago I was working at a large Architectural firm in Tulsa. This was before PC computers. We had word processors but to print we all sent to the same printer. As luck would have it one of the Vice Presidents prepared a position paper outlining everything that was perceived as major company problems. It was sent to the printer, but when she went to retrieve it she found that a set of specifications were printing ahead of her.

Long story  short: the paper that pointed out all the firm's flaws was printed IN THE MIDDLE of the bid documents that was now in many bidder's possession.  It was the client that called the firm to say that someone may want to remove the document before all read it.  YIKES

Today I sent my company's owner, a memo outlining a disgruntled client's thoughts. I sent it to his private account BUT due to a computer glitch, the memo went to everyone in the company.  YIKES AGAIN.  Seems a lot of people got spooked.

It will be funny someday.

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