Thursday, June 13, 2013


The News is filled with all the questioning about the Idea that the NSA that black side of the Government may be monitoring the average US citizen without our knowledge.  REALLY?

Am I the only person that has been watching the CBS series, "Person of Interest" for the past two years?????

The premise for the series is that the U.S. Government has built a super computer to monitor EVERYTHING to catch terrorists and such. Finch, the main guy, helped develop the massive computer and decided to use it to help random New Yorkers not get murdered.

And we thought it was Fiction.

It does strike me as odd that when an incident happens (i.e Boston), the media wants to know immediately what the Government could have done to stop it.  AND how come this isn't solved in an hour like their TV shows are?  Then when it is found out that we have a system to stop things BEFORE it happens, they get hacked off because someone may be looking at their phone bills.

Go Figure.

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