Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Lord's Prayer

In class at church today I discussed how almost all Christian groups including Catholic recite the "Lord's Prayer" every Sunday as part of worship or Mass.  The only ones that don't are the evangelistic and fundamentalists churches (including mine).   Even though Jesus said: "When you pray. say:  Our Father who is in Heaven.....

When I was a Kid,  we started every school day reciting the "Lord's Prayer" and the "Pledge of Allegiance."  But we NEVER recited it at church!

I posed the question:  So if our kids can't say it at school ( and we seem to think it important "in School") why can't they sat it at church.

My specific group has used arguments that:  
1. It doesn't end "in Jesus Name".
2. It says, "Thy Kingdom come". But its already here.

Yet we will sing the same praise songs week after week that pale when compared to Jesus' teaching on communing with God.

We are a troubled lot..........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about things along similar lines. Like how yesterday was Epiphany and I've never heard mention of that EVER ONE TIME in my whole church life. And how we rush thru the sacrament of communion and fill it with noise so we can get to the preaching. I think I'm a secret Methodist/catholic. I love liturgy.
