Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The time is NOW

"The thing about time is that time isn't really real
its all on your point of view
How does it feel for you?"

James Taylor "The Secret of Life"

I listened to Bob Edwards show yesterday as he interviewed Jimmy Buffett. I thought I knew a lot about Jimmy but it proved very interesting.   I thought of how,in the 1980's, I only listened to His music every Friday.  It was a calming way to ease into the weekend.  I realized much later and was reminded today that Jimmy sells a much larger idea.  

The idea:   Slow down.  Be present Now. Enjoy life now. Time only exists when we allow it.

God must be trying to tell me something!

One of my recent books was "The Timekeeper" which showed me that we should make the most of life NOW.

I studied about Jesus saying in LUKE 10:  "Mike, Mike you are worried and upset about many things, but only ONE thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her. )She was sitting at his feet!)

"I bought a cheap watch from the crazy man floating down  Canal
It doesn't use numbers or moving hands, It always just says NOW
You may be thinking that I was had, but this watch is never wrong
If I have trouble the warranty said: Breathe In, Breath out, Move on."

Jimmy Buffett

FYI:  I challenge anyone to go to one of his concerts without being totally PRESENT.

I even believe worship would be more interesting if we were fully present!

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