Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ode to Peeing in My Pants

Ode to Peeing in My Pants!
by Mike Martin

All us guys have two brains
I know we can document that
One is on top of our shoulders,
The other is in our pants.

The big brain is complex and skillful
A computer second to none.
The Little brain is very simple,
Its job use to be fun!

Now days they both do battle
over when I need to pee!
As the time comes, one says, "Soon"
But the other one just says, "We-e-e"

So when I get near a pit stop,
I cannot risk a chance.
If I don't go in the Men's Room,
I'll surely go in my pants!

They say this is part of old age.
Water pills, medicine and such
But the subject is a matter of timing
If I don't think about it too much!

The big brain always says, "Wait"
The little one says, "Go, Go"
If I hurry I think I can make it,
or else the stain will show!

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