Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jedi Warriors, marshmallows and leaf blowers

A milestone was reached this weekend. We had all three grandsons known as the Triple A's. Avery (6), Addison (3), and Asher (4 months) visited us. It started with "The Empire Strikes Back" on DVD with Addison acting it out as he watched with his plastic bat becoming a light saber, while Avery rearranged the ornaments on the Christmas tree, and Asher just rocked in his swing and watching the Muppets on TV. Yes, he stared intently. Later it was marshmallows roasting in the fireplace and eventually bed.

This morning Avery returned to Star Wars games on the Wii while Addison helped me fight with the leaves on the porch.

You know with the world the way it is and uncertainty abounding, grand kids help me refocus and remind me that these times will be few and fleeting. Someday, they will be too busy to come.

It's time to stop and eat the marshmallows!

1 comment:

Lori said...

They would be there everyday if we let them. You guys are way more fun than us!!